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If BTS members become historical Korean drama actors…

If BTS members become historical Korean drama actors…

What would BTS members look like if they were historical Korean drama actors? We know this for Taehyung because he acted in a drama like this. Suga also got into this role and became a swordsman due to his music video.

An ARMY used the “Face App” to embed all the members in the historical Korean drama trailer. There is also a surprise at the end. Let’s watch first:

What do you think? Especially the surprise at the end, isn’t it great? If Bang PD gets fit like this, he seems to be sooo attractive! :)

Whoever who in the video? Here is my humble opinion:

Bang PD shall be the emperor, that’s for sure.

Taehyung is the emperor’s nephew. You know, the handsome boy who knows state secrets, steals Girls’ hearts in the remaining times from secret operations, and only goes out at night…

Jungkook is the main boy. For him, there is no time to spare for romance issues, the state issues matter the most and the all! He answers the question of “how is your love life going on?”, we need to rest in our spare time to get ready for duty…

RM is the emperor’s right hand and his favorite. He is both a wise man and an art consultant. He is the father and hyung of the poor, too!

Jin, on the other hand, is the commander of the cavalry units.  He is the prince on the white horse. He promises rose garden for the young ladies, too.

Fro his video part, J-Hope seems to be the commander of the archery corps. It is said to be very successful at shooting arrows into hearts too!

Suga is the vizier in charge of internal affairs. The morale and motivation of the people are asked from him. He also administers the economy.

Jimin is a success story that comes from a rural area and rises to the palace. He is the Emperor’s adopted son. Crowds love him so much. He is the cute hero of all!

What are you thinking?

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He has been working as a news editor for 2 years and has been actively an editor at korebu.com for the last 1 year.

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