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How is Hyunjin according to Korean beauty criteria?

How is Hyunjin according to Korean beauty criteria?

Hyunjin, the talented and “exiled” member of STRAY KIDS, who has had a lot of patience in the last period, has for sure legendary looks. I wonder if Hyunjin, who returned to the group this month, can pass the class in terms of that famous “Korean beauty criteria”

First, let’s remember those infamous criteria, and let’s write down our notes whether Hyunjin passes or stays next to them:

  • V-shaped chin: His chin is beautiful, Hyunjin has for sure that V-shaped chin!
  • Plumper lips: The lower lip is full and the upper lip is not bad at all. The criterion is in the pocket!
  • Flat eyebrows: Hyunjin easily passes this criterion! He has voluminous, shaped, straight and magnificent eyebrows that add meaning to the apperance of his eyes!
  • Slim, shaped nose: He has a shaped nose, although it cannot be said to be very thin. We can pass this criterion,mat least give him a half point, what do you think?
  • Big eyes: His eyes are not very big (they say so… they are huge for me :)). But the transverse length is not bad. This criterion is at the limit, we cannot give a full passing grade. but it wouldn’t be wrong to say that he has bigger eyes than most other Kpop artists.
  • Double eyelids: How tere can be such a weird criterion? But in Korea this is an ultra-important feature. Unfortunately Hyunjin doesn’t have double eyelids.
  • Light skin color: Hyunjin fell behind in terms of this criterion with his skin color that turned to be a bir darkwr. Hyunjin also uses bleaching applications a lot to exceed this criterion visually, at least on stage. Of course, these are temporary applications.
  • Height above 1.80: Hyunjin is 1.79 tall and he’s at the borderline.

To sum up, out of the eight criteria, Hyunjin’s rating is 3.5 to 4.

In this case, we cannot say that he meets the Korean beauty criteria perfectly. But I can confidently say that it meets my criteria, indeed by a great margin!! What do you think?

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He has been working as a news editor for 2 years and has been actively an editor at korebu.com for the last 1 year.

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