Jungkook’s Billboard ‘look’ in a green sweater was a hit!


Jungkoook is seen in BILLBOARD footage wearing an “oversized” green sweater with a meaty texture.

Hairstyle and earrings are other important elements that complete this look. There’s also a 12-second video, perfect to watch to “pamper yourself”:


In the cover image of the article, Jungkook is also looking innocently with his neck bent. You can’t torture our hearts looking so attractive and spread the “baby-face vibe” on top of it, honey! We invite you to conscience. :)

When it comes to billboard; If we don’t remember Jungkook’s legendary moment below, let’s just close the shop and go:


Hahaha. Jungkook says “It’s been a while BILLBOARD” at the Billboard Music Awards (BBMA) stage, but the audience is quick and biased and says, “It’s been a while baby girl“,  (they want to hear it, of course!). And of course they go crazy, with what crazy screams.

All of Jungkook’s style is Louis Vuitton friends. The sweater we talked about so much was $ 23,300! The shoes are also very original. Even the necklace was over $3000.

Jungkook, you rocked the world again. You know, that realm where you’re the king!

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