Is Taehyung more handsome or his father in his 20s?

taehyung father

If you are asking what kind of title is this, you are right, actually, when I saw this trending conversation recently, I said what kind of comparison is this. Does one compare to the youth of one’s own father? But when you look at the photo… you can’t help yourself but look again, involuntarily. It’s a strange situation.

Especially in the photos shared the other day, V really looks a lot like his older-form of his father

There is a lot of resemblance as between the father and son. His father was also fine when he was young. Also, their fashion senses are perfectly compatible!

Some friends said that his father was better, based on the argument that “his father was naturally handsome and cool, without seeing any beauty treatments at that time”. However, it is difficult to say that V was given such a comprehensive aesthetic enhancement or something, he grew up in our hands, after all, his photos are recorded moment by moment.

I think V is more handsome, but his father looks quite cool. This is the artistic stance of the old times, most of our fathers (grandfathers of the younger ones) have such poses, as if there was a different level of “confidence” at that time…

Some of those who say Taehyung is more handsome also attributed this to being a quarter scale Filipino from his mother’s ancestory. Filipinos, on average, are often said to be the most beautiful nation of the Far East. Let’s see, an argument broke out from that side. Is V really quarter scale Filipino or not? What is the origin of the discuusion?

There isn’t much information on this. The clearest information is that his grandmother lived in the Philippines during the Korean War. There’s also the case of V getting very excited at concerts at Philipinnes. But living in the Philippines for a while is one thing, being a Filipino is another. It is necessary to get more information from V to clarify this issue… Here is our grandmother who is on the agenda:

V’s pose with his parents recently is as below. His father has aged well but shows his age. However, his mother still looks pretty and young. V owes his handsomeness in part to his mother, obviously:

What do you think?

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