How Well Do You Know Jungkook?


Are you a fan of all things BTS? Here is your chance to test your knowledge! Jungkook recently answered “this or that” questions about his career for ARMY. Can you guess their answers?


1. Work-life balance?

A) Go to work late, go home late.

B) Go to work early, go home early.

Jungkook chose B! This hardworking maknae knows exactly what he has to do to get the job done.

2. Lunch menu

A) Easy choices! Company cafeteria!

B) Picking up whatever you’re feeling that day from a nearby restaurant.

Again the answer is B! HYBE’s corporate menu may be delicious, but variety is the spice of life.

3. The seat of choice at work?

A) Give me the feelings! Great sunny views from the window seat!

B) I have to move! Unlimited access to the break room or toilet on the sofa in the aisle.

B! As many of us know, Jungkook is always on the go and restless.

4. What does he do when he has a lot of work to do?

A) Even if I have to work late, I can get it done today.

B) I procrastinate as long as I can.

B again? No! This time she chose option A! Jungkook is by no means a procrastinator.

5. If you have a chance to make a business trip abroad?

A) I go on a trip later, I prefer to do my work in the office.

B) Travel means new opportunities! I would be more dynamic with an international business trip.

Jungkook chose A for the answer, but really, that sounds like a trick question. As an “Adventurer”, Jungkook loves to experience new things and meet new people, but it seems he prefers to do his work at home rather than abroad.

6. Finally payday!

A) I invest most of it in savings.

B) I buy everything in my shopping cart.

This millionaire can afford to splurge, but by choosing A, Jungkook proves he puts his long-term financial goals first.

7. What if your company says you have to wear a uniform?

A) Uniform means you no longer have to worry about what to wear.

B) I choose my clothes that fit my style.

B! B! B! Can you imagine this pierced, tattooed, free spirit choosing a uniform? We can’t! (Though she would look great in anything!) 💜💜




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