Festa gift solo piece from RM: Bicycle


RM made a sweet surprise, releasing a beautiful piece that flows like silk and is loaded with emotion: Bicycle!

BTS members open their personalities and hearts to us with their own lyrics and melodies in their solo work. His bike is so important to RM!

In the song named after RM’s life-friend bike, RM also showcases his vocal skills. In places, the vocals catch a sound between rap and vocals, and it sounds delicious.

RM also shared a letter alongside this song. He says he wanted to compose a song about his bike for a long time. He finished this song around February-March (2021). “It’s been three years since my mono work. I’m preparing for a new one, but I haven’t been able to proceed with a precise planning by giving precise deadlines,” he says. By publishing this song, he must have felt a little relief. Being productive is important to him.

He actually completed this song on his bike. He tried hundreds of tunes on his bike, by singing “Hmm Hmmmm”. Later, his two friends, whom he called his friends, helped him, one with his guitar and the other with his art consultancy. “Because I don’t have a license, my bike is my only means of escape. It allows me to sail through different emotions,” he says. He uses the phrase “It is an intense song, both hot and cold,” which indeed it was!

“I hope it stays on your playlist for a long time,” RM concludes. His “Tokyo” is one of the most special units of my playlist. His songs like this stick to your soul and you can’t let go. Looks like “Bicycle” will be one of those pieces.

The surprise reveal of 2021 BTS solo tracks continues to arouse deep emotions in me. First “Blue Side” by J-Hope, now “Bicycle” by RM. Delicious!

Let’s end the article with RM’s last line: “Every new day is a good day. If you’re feeling sad, ride your bike away. That’s what I always do and will do”…



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