BTS “Dynamite” B-Side Video Explodes with Energy and Happiness!

dynamite b-side

BTS “Dynamite” B-Side Video has been released and it is such a beautiful surprise!

We must say that we prefer this version over the original version because this one is much more entertaining. The previous video was colorful, the b-side video is both colorful and fun!

Although the BTS members should have been burnt out as a result of working for the choreograpy for 18 hours a day for 3 consecutive days, they seem very happy, shining and energetic throughout the entire video. They are enjoying the moment for sure.

To be honest, compared to the original video, this is what the true BTS that we know and love. In the original video, our idols spent too much time individually. But what ARMY likes: chaos! In this version, our members are together and it’s a complete chaotic Bangtan style !

Our verdict: The first video was for global promotion, this version is for us; the ARMY !

In the closing scene of the video, V forgets the choreography and Jungkook and Jimin reacts to him.  That is so fun. You are gonna watch it again and again.

You can enjoy the video below:

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