What Universe Would BTS Members Want To Live In? Marvel or Harry Potter?

jungkook harry potter

One issue was touched upon in BTS’ private online fan meeting with 200 lucky ARMYs: What universe would BTS want to live in? Like the Marvel heroes or the magical world of Harry Potter?

Jin’s answer was Harry Potter. Jin’s answer made a lot of sense: “I think Harry Potter makes more sense because you’re dying at Marvel for no reason”. It’s a very logical reason in our opinion :)

Although RM emphasized that there are very strong characters in Marvel, he choses Harry Potter in the end.

Jungkook is known to be a big fan of Ironman and that’s why he chose Marvel in the first place. However, he immediately changed his mind and said “Wingardium Leviosa! I want Harry Potter too”.

J-hope also chose Harry Potter and even stated that he wanted to watch Harry Potter movies from the beginning last winter.

Jimin was undecided about the choice. He said he was a big fan of both and had watched Harry Potter since he was little. V invited him to Bangtan house in Harry Potter :)

On the other hand, Suga only watched the first of the Harry Potter movies. Jimin quickly turns around and asks Suga “really?”.

After all, we see that all BTS members are in favor of Harry Potter :)

An artist named aiidankim has edited photos of ARMY BTS members to transform them into Marvel or Harry Potter characters. I recommend you to take a look at his page, it’s very enjoyable :)

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