SHINee Taemin Will Perform On Marching Band In The Military!

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Ever since SHINee Taemin enlisted in the army, SHINee fan’ Shawols have tears in their eyes! Fortunately, Taemin was spotted in military band photos. Considering his debut in the military band, this will be Taemin’s 4th debut :)

Taemin has been posting from his Instagram account at long intervals since he enlisted, mostly posting photos from the old days. We saw the latest version of Taemin in a new YouTube video from Seoul National Cemetery, a preview of the cemetery’s September concert held on September 10. They showed Taemin along with other members of the military group. Hair is short, no makeup but he still looks so cool!

At the end of the video, it was announced that the concert will be released on YouTube on September 17. Those who missed Taemin and saw the video found themselves sharing the news on social media. We love and miss so much Taemin!

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