NU’EST is Back!


NU’EST is preparing to return on April 19th. Fans noticed a change on NU’EST’s website and you will see NU’EST’s second full album. Promotional calendar also came out. You can observe the image below. If you click on the bottom of the sphere of light, you can move the rainbow-colored light and see the whole list of dates.

When we look at the dates, we see that there will be some activities related to the website on three different dates. The first took place on April 4, second on April 10, and the third on April 14. If you slide the light beam to the far right, a lock appears in the upper right corner. When you click the lock, you enter the date of your birthday into the password with the “Romanticize” ID and “login” …

You enter the month and day of your birthday in 4 digits in the agreed birthday date section. Then you come across a new page “What is Romance” …

Surprises don’t stop there. If you want to see more, you can go to NU’EST website.

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