While Karina converses with ae-Karina

karina ae-karina

Karina, the beautiful and talented leader of aespa, is in the spotlight with her love claims with Hyunjin these days. But she’s hanging out with ae-Karina, the virtual version of herself, as it seems (or rather invisible), and not with Hyunjin.


Hahaha. She gets excited, talking to herself… There is really no one in front of her:

Most likely, these reactions to a person on the other side… Anyway, whenever Karina gets her phone in her hand, she is instantly accused of texting with ae-Karina!

In aespa’s promotions, these virtual aespa members were featured a lot, but then there was no serious follow-up to that concept. Fans continue to enlive this concept on their own. It’s alsoquite fun, isn’t it?

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