Jungkook is an acrobat once again

jungkook upside down

The mothers’ heart has come to their mouths again, boy, why are you doing such crippling moves … Jungkook last did one of the head-head diving moves in RUN BTS 141:

He excited his friends as well. Crazy rabbit:

If you remember, we shared with you recently; Jungkook’s unique moves were again in one of our videos:

This kid is interesting, one cannot help but wonder how he does the movements that are actually very difficult but seem very easy when done by Jungkook (try it if you dare). But he has always been interested in acrobatic movements and break dance.

See a break-dance show from the early days of BTS:

Once in a while, he swings around the ground like this:

Here Jungkook is the runway …

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