Hyunjin and Felix style interview…

hyunjin felix cover

Stray Kids’ dangerous duo Hyunjin and Felix spoke about their views on fashion and their rising popularity in an interview for Arena Homme Plus magazine.

Hyunjin stated during filming that he felt like a person living in the 19th century. “I feel very happy in photo shoots, it has a very similar aspect to being on the concert stage”.

Felix, on the other hand, expressed for the ambitious make-up and dressing styles in the photo-interview: “I see no harm in being brave, I like to be assertive by freeing the imagination. Gender-free style is not a concept we should fear about”. I understand from this statement that Mr. Felix does not hesitate to be assertive and to attract attention.

Asked about their recently rising popularity, Hyunjin replies modestly: “We are at the very beginning of the road. We still have a long way to go … As a group, we strive to move forward step by step”.

Felix emphasizes that being happy and healthy as a group is the most important thing for him; He cannot stop without saying “but we also have ambitions…“. Felix also says that the more “passionate” feedback he gets from his fans, the happier he is.

Then we continue to watch the magnificent duo with passion!

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