(G)I-DLE’s enchanting comeback teaser

gidle soojin

(G)I-DLE’s comeback in January 2021 is approaching and we explained why we should be really excited for this in our previous article (read here). G(I)-DLE has shared a “teaser video” for their comeback today:

(G)I-DLE is returning to the dark concept in Oh My God , as we can see from the teaser video in perfect colors. They made a different fusion by adding the butterfly concept (see the butterflies on Soojin‘s hair) to the dark, fantastic atmosphere. Probably some thriller elements will have place, too in the final versions, who knows. Overall, the teaser looks quite mystical and engage us well. After all, we are talking about the first big comeback of 2021!

We eager for a full album, but this could also be a mini album. Let’s see what Cube Entertainment has planned for G(I)-DLE. The date we can talk more precisely is January 11, 2021 .

UPDATE (December, 29, 2020): As we anticipated yesterday, it will be a mini album and be released on January, 11, 2021 at 6 pm KST. The title of the album is “I BURN” and today following photo teaser is shared:

G (I)-DLE has always come up with good work. Good visuals, good music … That’s why the expectations are high again.

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