How was ENHYPEN Sunoo’s New Hair Color?

sunoo hair

ENHYPEN is sharing new concept photos and music video trailers for their upcoming album “BORDER: CARNIVAL” . ENHYPEN fans ENGENE are following the comeback process with enthusiasm.

In the comeback concept photos, fans really liked Sunoo ‘s new hair color and style. Isn’t Sunoo particularly charismatic and different in the photo below?

The other photo of Sunoo , which shows a different vibe in each new photo, is a very distinctive light gray color as below.

In another teaser poster, his hair looks like he’s going to turn into brown or dark blonde. Recently, we have noticed that gray hair color has the advantage of being able to take on different colors at the same time or easily turn it into a different tone in each new activity. For example, BTS Jungkook has managed to look great in all sorts of ways with his blonde hair that has gone gray for a few months. This means that the same gray hair strategy is used in BTS ‘s sibling group ENHYPEN . Look at the photo below, isn’t Sunoo appear very different?

Do you like Sunoo’s gray hair?

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