Curious Jungkook, Cool Taehyung…

taehyung airport

You all know that Jungkook is very curious and Taehyung is very “cool”… Let’s watch the video below which is a very good proof of this:

What’s going on up there? At the beginning of the video, while the stylishly dressed TXT members are coming to the side of the road on the sidewalk, one of their members, Huening Kai, slips and falls. There is a round slippery structure on the ground…

In the second part of the video, we see BTS members at the same spot (with great styles again). While Jungkook is wondering what the slippery flat is, we watch Taehyung with his extremely stable and “cool” stance on the slippery floor.

Some things seem to come from creation and never change…

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