BTS V’s Super Power ???

bts v interview

In a recent fairy tale interview with BTS V , when asked what superpower he would like to have, let’s see what he answered?

The superpower V wanted to have was “to appear right in front of everything he went through in his thought” . He wanted to meet face to face with the person he wanted to see.

V says that this way he can talk to the people he wants to talk to face to face. For example, he wished to meet with his late grandmother, who looked after and raised him for more than 13 years. V, who had a lot of memories with his grandmother, was very close to his grandmother and when he talked about her, he immediately burst into tears. Whenever he starts crying about this, it is certain that his bandmates support him.

In the interview that follows the tales, BTS V is immediately asked “Would you prefer two legs to the voice of the little mermaid or would you rather be yourself” . V’s answer is that I would like to meet the prince as myself. He says I would like someone who loved me for who I am.

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