BTS V’s Artistic Tattoos

kim taehyung tattoo

BTS V‘s Kinetic Manifesto Movie “ON” has shown how he got the tattoo on his face, which was a curios topic among ARMY. For beginning, first stage foundation and powder are applied on V’s face. The make-up artist then wrote “The Shadow Like Me” on his face with black eyeliner. Obviously, the make-up artist tried this tattoo on his arms several times before V wrote the tattoo on his face. V wants the “shadow” part in my first trial to be corrected. After the make-up artist corrects the post, V likes the  result. They apply powder over the post and the handwritten tattoo becomes clear. If you are curious about the comments of V for the tattoo, you may want to read our previous article:

They have not provided any footage how the tattoo is drawn on V’s neck, but the process seems to have taken a long time. V used to renew the tattoo on his neck in all of his “ON” performances at that time. The branches around his neck changed shape each time. Taehyung showed spectacular visuals with her curly wavy hair, ragged clothes and thick chain necklace around his neck.

Watch the video that BTS V prepares for the Manifesto movie “ON”:

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