ATEEZ Members Harassed at the Airport

ateez sasaeng

What happened to ATEEZ is as follows: Some of the members returning from Jeju Island to Seoul are unexpectedly surrounded by the fan base as they make their way through the airport. Some of them go all the way to the bottom of the ATEEZ members and start taking pictures. In addition to the inconvenience of being recorded in such a crowd, the COVID 19 distance rules are also ignored. As seen from the images, ATEEZ members cannot prevent the situation. In the videos below, ATEEZ members are very uncomfortable with the situation, but treat those who surround them with respect.

Members of ATEEZ now seem to have to take better self-protection and unfortunately restrict their freedom a bit.

ATEEZ fan group ATINY are very angry and react on social media. The ATINYs requested KQ Entertainment to provide more protection for the members.

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