A missile named “Jungkook is Heaven” hit ARMY in the heart!


DISPATCH‘s teaser video with the title “[Dicon 1oth] Jungkook is Heaven” locked life for it contained a hefty dose of Jungkook. The trailer ends with a statement that the 10th issue of Dicon special magazine will be published on December 18, 2020. Below photo implies more teasers may be on the way. It seems that ground will be shaky until that date…

In the trailer, we watch Jungkook both as an angel in white cute outfit and with his rebel more in black leathers. Perhaps we got used to seeing him in black leathers already; but what is that long cream colored poncho-style sweater. Just wowww! He has also adorned it with a large pearl. Jungkook the trendsetter!

Here are Jungkook’s “black and white” personas:

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